Tuesday, 30 December 2008

labelling Yourself

you should not let people tell you who you are and labelling myself. It's so ridiculous. you are yourself am me. How can understand someone if you don't know them? Someone walks a little funny and people may laugh at them, only to find out that the reason for that person having the funny walk is that they have a wooden leg. There are so many examples in life of people actually judging without knowing the circumstances and the person. Do you think that's fair? Would you like it if people judged you without giving you a chance just like ex criminals are judged.

childhood and appearance

So you can blame your parents, surroundings, experiences, tradition etc for how you have turned out and how you are today, but you must blame yourself to a certain extent. Why didn't you question things or find out for yourself? Knowledge is the key to understanding and there are plenty of books in the library and shops about the different subjects you want to find out about. How can you judge without the facts, in court they don't, well no should you.

People may say that you are thick. Teachers may say you are stupid and you do not stand a chance but are they correct? Did you get other teachers or people's opinions? Do you know for yourself?

Like I was saying, just because we have certain physical features like we are Chinese looking, it does not mean that we can speak Chinese or know the tradition. That's why we get Chinese looking people who speak French, Asians that speak Spanish and not an Asian language, black people who speak people who speak French, German or Jewish and know no other language. A black person could be born in China, according to their birth they are Chinese.
could be born in Africa, that makes them African.

A Chinese looking person could be born in Spain, according to their birth they are Spanish. This proves just how nothing is what it seems. Looks fool people so it is not wise to judge by them. When you judge typically then you are stereotyping people. I know that most of us do this but it is something we must try to unlearn. It causes much ignorance and prejudice.

This is NEW ERA of change and compassion

In the catholic church it was all about conforming to what was said in the bible and especially the interpretation given by the Pope, who was seen like a God and never to be questioned.

The backbiting was horrendas and the things said were not worthy of people who say they follow Jesus teachings or profess to be christians - they were behaving more like pharisees. This is an observation of what I saw and what was happening.

The bible is not infaluable and many writers and people over the centuries have taken the book apart and showed very clearly with evidence that the bible is a collection of stories. stories in the same way we read fairy tales.

Some of them have some very interesting wisdom to pass on but at the end of day it is just a story and nothing else. Religon in the hands of man, even a Pope, is very dangerous as there is no real evidence to show the original books have not been tampered with and also the men who wrote the books were not Gods and they did not profain to be.

This means their writings will have flaws inaccuracies and mistruths and will be full of their character, lack of judgement, narrow mindedness and every other flaw known to man. The books will slant to their own personal beliefs and politics.

The question of the Catholic church is very strong in book and film, the Da Vinci code that questioned the Catholic church.

There is a lot of truth there mixed with fiction. Check the real story from the records written at the time, the history and the time and beliefs, you will find there is no real record of Peter going to Rome and the church being continued with the permission of Peter. There is no real record and even evidence now with all the technology that proves the bones in Rome are those of Paul. This means the catholic church has no real link to Jesus or his teachings.

Two forms of christianity were around, one by the followers of Jesus and his disciples and one by the Rome and the Catholic church. The catholic did everything to persecute and stop their church from being formed and destroy all their records - but books did survive.

The Catholic church was started by the last Emperor in Rome, a city that had been anti Christian for many years. This church did what they could to get rid of the other followers. Take the history of power and death and killings, murders in the name of God by the Catholic church. the falsehoods they supported and many of the real truths being hidden, which are there in the 4 gospels and in the other books written by the other disciples and even Peter. You will be shocked.

In this day and age with all the corruption of churches with power and money, it is clear that they should not have any more rights than anyone else and remember their history.

the idea of religion is made by man and not God. Many religions may come forth with good intentions but soon have led the way to much control, abuse of power and forcing people to their religion and for those who did not not - death.

spirituality and love are the way and you will find were supported in the early years of many religions.

for this reason - the friends of quan Yin has been formed.