Friday, 8 May 2009

JESUS and the parables in a new light and meaning

Right over the years in the experiences while I was not part of a church, I had the chance to experience parables of the new testament in a year way. Since Ii had not bogged myself down with rules and regulations of a church, I was able to breathe and see things that I would have missed.

The story of the good Samaritan held for me new meanings in relation to prejudice and equality.
Of course the priests etc stood for the churches but the actions are very prominent.

To professs to care and follow the teachings and yet have no compassion or interest in someone who is different to them, different culture, background or even sexuality or race. Where is the goodness is these people? So the Samaritan helped the man - someone he did not know. He did not care about their culture, background, sexuality or race. He did not do this to show how good he was and he did not want something in return - sounds like the good idea of pay it forward - this is true unconditional love, the kind God shows us. The samaritan was an outcast and someone not deemed to be of any worth - yet he showed he had more worth than the others in the story.
May times while in churches I have been working with the homeless, people on drugs, chilren's homes etc, the kind of people a lot of the church people would have nothing to do with, but were happy I was doingit, as if I was doing it and their behalf and so meant they did not have to. It took away any of their guilt. How similar is that the the priest etc in the story.
It taught me about being judgemental and that Indian phrase - do not judge a man until you have been standing in his shoes.

When I hard the stories of these people - I realised anyone could find themselves in their shoes, if they had lived their life and background.

Who was I to judge and say they were bad etc. I does not mean I condoned their actions or believe it was a reason to carry on destroying themselves. People change in their own time and you may not think your acts of goodness and kindness had any effect - as it not show right away, but you could find out in years it made a whole difference.