the real story of the bible based on upon an full investigation into the history of the bible - Robert Beckworth
the second half of the new testament was written by paul wrote them far way from the holy country in Turkey. Paul was the man changed on the road to Damascas and killed many christians. He was a serial killer who wrote almost 3/4 of the new testament. What does that do the books written by him and what does that say about you have to be holy for God to speak to you. It says angels can appear to anyone and God can speak to anyone. would we give much creedence to serial killer today who wrote lots of holy books.
He never met jesus and did not write about Jesus. paul is fanatic and wrote more books in the bible than anyone else. He wrote his rule books for the early church based upon what he believed. He wrote a letters to address any problem that came up in the church. All his letters were written by a scribe. He scribe has an infuence in the writing as well. He wants to get the message of jesus to everyone. late 60s AD the was executed. All the accounts of the 4 apostle are all different in the birth of Christ and some missed out more than others and some do not talk at all about the birth of christ. If these aposales were all eye witnessess why are their accounts so different. If this was police evidence such different accounts would question what really happened.
: Who wrote the Bible?
It's a question that has preoccupied biblical scholars.
Did God say that?
The ancient texts still have power, for good and evil. It is clear from the progamme and from many books that the bible is not the word God in the same way and mnay other religons but written by peole who believed they had been inspired by God or spoken to by God. If God wanted to make sure that people heard his word he would not speak exclusively to some people who then could manipulate and change things to suit them or people in power and in ancient days Religions had a lot of power and these people high in the religious organisations had agendas and had to get people to come to church and pay money to the church using religion.
Paying Tithing is one way and saying you can only get blessings and other things if you pay your tithing is one way. If you are to pay God a 1/10 of your earnings then why are you paying it to a church and to a human. Why can you not pay 1/10 of your earnings to different charities? This is not acceptable - you have to pay it to a church who then spend it on money to stop people having abortion, or supporting the death penalty or stopping minority groups have equality. they spend millions doing this every year. Instead of helping people it goes to destroy people and not to God. "Do to others what you would like to be done to you. As you have treated others you have treated me. We are one. We are all Buddha." All phrases from different books and religons.
The work of many hands
The answer to 'Who wrote the Bible?' turns out to be simply not God, but a lot of different people and not the people it is supposed to be either.The Bible isn't a single book, but contains 66 separate books which were collected over 1,200 years and written many 1000 years after the events. With that amoun of time there are likely to be missing information and history that inaccurate and not true.. Scholars believe they were written, edited and compiled by human beings under the inspiration of God. The problem is the people who did this are not infallible or not above being bribed or corrupted into saying or changing things or taking out books that do go along with the political agenda of the church.
Take the Five Books of Moses weren't written by Moses at all, but by four anonymous writers, each with his own particular view to promote. These writings were only brought together when an Israelite king found them useful to promote his political agenda. Beckford says : 'King Hezekiah turned the Bible into a party political manifesto for monotheism. He definitely knew something about spin.'
it is clear that the books of the bible do not make sense at all and miss out how the world was made or the dinosaurs, the evolution of man, cavemen etc which we know from science existed. What is 7 days and we also know by science and knowledge that the world was not built in 7 days and is more likely to be 7 thousand years or more.
the tower babel is another story which sounds like a fairy tale and is more likely to be just that, a story. We have built large storey building with our techology but none that reach the sky or even God. This is just not possible unless you know where God is. so God was afraid they would get to heaven so he confused and gave them all different languages.
We know from Science, scholars and history that languages have evolved as a way to communicate and so this story is just that.
now let's take the story of Noah as this does not make sense either and most people know this. think about how many animals, reptitles, insects etc are there in the world and they situate all over the world. it would take all the animanls years to all come together to the Ark and many would die on the journey. None of this could have happened in time stated in the bible and how would all the animals live together or be in fed during that time. Again it is not possible that this story is true. It is a tall tale or fairy tale passed on through the ages.
the Gospels
The same goes for the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. the books was not written completely by the disciples themselves and a lot of them have been put together by interviewing eye witnesses and other people to get a truer a picture of the time. the books are not free not personal views. Mark wrote about Jesus in an encouragement to the first generation of Christians facing persecution. Matthew wanted to show the Jewish side of Jesus. Luke showed us Jesus from the Roman angle showing us the teaching and miracles of Jesus so even romans could believe them.
The Bible is cannot be used to justify political agendas as a lot of it is not accurate or completely true and was written by humans and not God, influenced and written for faith communities with their specific needs or political agendas in mind.
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Change the future - the children are are future
How can we hate someone for their colour, sex, creed, religion, sexual preference without even knowing them? In every colour, nation, religion, sex, creed, sexualities there are good and bad people.
I do not like anyone who is rude in their behaviour to me, taking the mick, putting me down and judging me without even knowing me.
I think that children are in a very difficult position. On the one hand they need their parents love, approval and affection, and on the other hand they are dependant on them financially. They cannot leave home and survive for very long and they have nowhere else to go.
In effect they are trapped and prone to emotional, physical and mental abuse.
We help them to be prejudiced, bigoted and ignorant through out attitudes, actions and words.
Sometimes I think that parents want a better replica of themselves in their children. Parents expect too much of their children and think that it is their right to make these kind of demands. After all, we brought you up, did this, paid for this etc - you owe us.
We see these free creatures who need moulding and guiding, not changed so much that their personality and character that they are taken away.
I look at children and I see the parents and understand them a whole lot better. It is very telling.
Children are expensive and hard work - but all things that are worth it take time and effort.
I implore parent to love their children and to learn to let them go as well. They cannot grow in experience or within themselves unless you dolet them go.
Children are not robots - you cannot programme them to be what you want them to be. The real test of love is to love them whoever or whatever they are. That is the test for children and your relationship with other people.
They are the next generation. If we as parents or influences teach them negative things like the lack of self-esteem, pull away their confidence, do not support or encourage them, teach them to hate, to be selfish, to keep their feeling hidden, not to be able to express their affections, not to communicate, not to understand, teach them intolerance, impatience and prejudice: then you have taught them the very things they need to destroy their relationships with others and self destruction of themselves and others.
Pressure and strain are something we all have and don't need extra of, especially from our parents.
I support love, individuality, honesty in expression of words, thoughts for others, assertiveness, understanding, acceptance of others and compassion.
I don't think that a lot of parents know just how important self image is in childhood and how it can affect them later in life. If you grow up feeling unworthy and invaluable then no matter how good looking, clever or intelligent you are you will be convinced that you are ugly or stupid.
Out of unloving homes usually comes drug addicts, racists, fascists, suicides, anorectic, mentally ill and unhappy people who can never love themselves or others. The exception in this case is that some unloved children are capable of caring more intensely and effectively than loved children.
All children who are ill treated are at the mercy of their parents. In the past we have taken the word of an adult over the word of a child, but nowadays the child's word carries a lot of weight. It is important to understand that there are some clever children who are capable of deception and using blackmail to achieve what they want. In affect they could threaten to shout that a person has abused them when they haven't, in order to get what they want.
Some parents are obsessional about their children, demanding excessive cleanliness, tidiness, orderliness and good behaviour especially when they go out. They do not like mess, noise, wild behaviour, dirt and meek obedience without question is looked upon highly. How convenient for the parent to reward the child for not questioning. How much easier it is for them to get away with so much abusive behaviour without questioning. It would seem that those kind of parents are trying to prove to the world and maybe to themselves that they are good parents by putting their children on show.
Children are easy to hurt because they are defenceless. It is easy to be cruel to them. What parents need to be aware of are these extremely aggressive feelings because they will usually find they come from their childhood.
Obsessional parents are extremists and their extremes will breed in their children extremes. What is likely to result is a good citizen robot or a violent rebel or something like that.
Some parents do not seem to realise that if you have a good relationship with your child then reasoning and explaining will have the same or better effect as screaming and shouting. The problem can be that the child does not understand why you have asked them to do what you have.
Many parents make the mistake of thinking that putting a lonely child with others will actually solve the problem of loneliness. Making contact with others is a skill that is learnt in the home first and then outside. If children have not learnt how to make contact emotionally and with other human beings then they will still be lonely, even in a group. In order for a child to be able to relate to others the child must believe in themselves and feel a worthwhile human being who people will like, love and accept. This is where low self worth and esteem play an important part. Constantly not supporting, helping and encouraging them and instead criticising, demanding, putting down and calling them thick, stupid etc will lead to the children believing it and feeling a low self worth. If a child feels this way then it is likely that other children will not accept them.
We know that children who steal are usually those who lack love, attention, care or understanding. This starts off as a call for attention. These kind of children as well as those who are underprivileged steal to compensate for those feelings, but there is a difference between those who are willing to stop and those who won't.
We need to encourage, support and love children and not use anger to force a child into what we believe they should or should not do. We have to remember that they are individuals like us too.
I hope for a better world. By doing these things it doesn't have to be just a dream - it can be reality.
religion control and power
Religion seems to be very much like control using fear and has left me feeling trapped in the case of repressing my anger with my next door neighbour and with my sexuality. My mentor is interested and not surprised that I want to leave the church just like I have left home and boarding school. Church and religion are about control and keeping the status quo and rules and regulations. It is not about understanding. There are too many corrupt people in church who go along with everything they are taught without question or fail. This is sad. Why I found just as much persecution in the church after different types of people as I have found in Fascists, Racists, National Front etc. The same kind of ignorance and lack of understanding. How can they stand and say they are Christians. It's like religion is a drug and people are getting so hooked on it that is not just taking over their lives and their minds but also making them into fanatics where they are unable to see any other persons point of view.
I have no problem with people having their own point of view but when it is so narrow minded and ignorant and it infringes on other peoples views by fear, force and control then whose to say they are not as bad as Hitler. That's how it started with him. A whole group of people following a fanatic who could be a priest, an MP, a vicar etc.
There is a place for ritual but the ritual is a way of remembering and it is part of an emotional journey and it brings people together. It is symbolic. If it is not there for any reason then it has to be changed. It is great we remember who fought in World war 2 but that doesn't help the young to understand the reality of war and it consequences. That can be taught in schools through drama, through film, through history etc.
It seems like everything is falling apart and power and greed corrupts most of us to the point we have lost the truth and what life is all about. Where we feel the need to lie. Seeing what a greedy and corrupt person Mother Teressa had become frightened me. To see and hear what she was teaching was the height of pure ignorance. To teach that contraception is bad as war is quite frightening. She didn't care where she got the money from to help her campaign against contraception and building the church for the pope and for what reason. So she could impress the pope and canonized. Did the money go to the poor she used to help? No.
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