Friday, 30 September 2011

a new belief system by Jay from the spiritu guide site

This true belief system will then take all people on a journey of hope and discovery of a new and exiting lifestyle that will give everyone the pleasure of truth as they have never had it before, in fact never understood before, as they have not been allowed to have this true system within their lives, there have been those who for one reason or another have made their own life’s system and made sure that all who showed an interest in it followed it to the letter, that time is now over.

The new and exiting truth system is the one set at the beginning of time and the one that will now be implemented into all lives here on this planet, this is the truth of life and cannot be ignored, it will take each person into a new truth of being, and give to them the understanding that so far has been lacking in everything they have done, either alone or in the company of others.

This truth system is the only one available at this time that will give peace of mind and truth to the full degree, it is the only one that will lift the people from where they lie and keep them suspended in the reality of what has just happened, it will change them beyond recognition, and they will love the new beings they will be transformed into, as they will finally feel the truth of soul that has been left to die.

It is a time for resurrection, a true and wonderful feeling of at last knowing what and who you are, a feeling at last of being safe and true within the power of the one that is the only one who can bring it, a total transformation now to bring this world to an end in the creation of the new and perfect one set for this time. Never before has there been a time like you will now face, never before have you all been so low in your lives, and never before have you needed a God in your life like you need one now, and that time has come forward at the perfect time, as the newness will surround you and keep you in the arms of this truth that from this point will never leave, never go away, and never diminish. It is so.

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