Wednesday, 20 April 2011

New Universe - ‘a channelling from my future Self

New Universe - ‘a channelling from my future Self
By nicolya christi

nicolyaThis information is channelled from my ‘future’ self’. The wisdom that speaks through me is from my experience and awareness of the place I arrived from when I incarnated here. I hope what I share with you serves to remind all those that read this where you are heading.

In your current universe you are shifting from a third-dimensional to fifth dimensional consciousness. Many perceive that Gaia is ascending which from a consciousness perspective is a fact and yet as a planetary consciousness she is being reborn, birthed into a new universe, a fifth to ninth dimensional consciousness.

On new earth we have transcended karma so there is no cause and effect as there’s no need for it. Your existing earth, that sits in your current universe, is a place where humans incarnating with third dimensional karma learn through suffering. You are on your current earth to learn compassion, empathy and unconditional love and best seem to do this through the experience of suffering. Even your great spiritual teachers have suffered in order to teach you and show the way forward. Buddha, Jeshua (Jesus), Gandhi, the Dalai Lama to name but a few. All of these beings suffered, as to be alive on your current earth and not to suffer is not possible due to her contract with the Higher Intelligence that governs all life, as well as the contracts that millions of incarnating souls have made with her through their choice to be here.

Your earth has made great sacrifices in order for humans to grow and evolve, for in her willingness to allow a place for learning through suffering, she has bought great suffering upon herself. Like any devoted mother, she has sacrificed her own needs to be able to meet the needs of evolving sentient beings. However, with any sacrifice comes great rewards, if not in a single life time then in another. Your earth is about to receive those rewards for she is to move through a portal and rebirth into an entirely new expression and experience.

As your earth moves from a third to fifth evolving consciousness into a new life on a fifth to ninth dimensional level, all that she has known before in terms of suffering will have been left behind her. Think of it a little like someone who has come from a life of suffering and has evolved into a highly developed individual. If they choose to reincarnate they do so into a far more harmonious and complimentary life. So it is with Gaia as she is near to completing her current life cycle in your existing universe. Your earth is close to her rebirth and you can sense and will feel the labour pains as your existing universe pushes her forward through the void and into the new universe awaiting her arrival.

In this new universe we are vibrating through fifth to ninth dimensional consciousness. All the heavenly bodies in your existing universe can be found here, along with many others you are not yet aware of. These existing planets, galaxies, star systems, etc, are of a far higher expression. The higher vibrational energy of new universe transmutes the suffering known in your existing universe. Here we learn through Love, not suffering. The new universe and the new earth is a place where humans learn and grow through Love.

The Brain, Technology and Communications

As we evolve from the fifth to ninth dimension we are capable of things that in your current existence you can only dream about or watch in science fiction films. Those who are further along their journey, between the 5th and 9th dimensions, experience greater portions of brain activity and D.N.A. activation. Amazing feats are possible including; Teleporting - travel through thought to anywhere we choose both on our planet and off. We have highly advanced communication systems, a superior version of your old telecommunications systems, and thought field communications is central to this. We do not have ‘television’, mobile or land phones or any microwave technology. Instead of switching on a box to watch tv, we have a system in place that allows us contact and communication with highly evolved beings that live throughout the new universe, a sort of ‘outernet’ as opposed to the ‘internet’ of the 3D earth. Because our brain is more developed we are able to communicate through telepathy, therefore we have no need for telephones, as all we need to do is think of another or an off the planet being and link in. We are very aware of our multifaceted beingness and are able to communicate from many aspects of our multidimensionality at any one time. Within our brain lies a crystal transmitter that is linked to one of our dimensional heavenly rulers (Great Star) and to our inner planetary Crystalline Star Core. I will speak more on this later.

Health. Emotions. Sexuality

In the new universe and on our new earth there is no sickness because there is no suffering. Third dimensional learning has been transcended. There are no governmental or private health care systems because there is no illness and therefore no need of such, We do not age in our new universe, indeed we choose the age which we resonate well with. We have little interest in our outer appearance, save for the pleasure and joy we experience when gazing upon the light that shines from ourselves or others. It is the strength of this radiating light that is a measure of the attained refinement and consciousness of ourselves or others.

We do not feel your emotions of fear, inadequacy, envy, jealousy or pain, when we encounter the advanced states others show themselves to be through this radiating light. Instead we feel encouraged and inspired to be met with role models who’s message reminds us of what we too can become. This light is magical and renders everyone as beautiful for it is golden and soft and shines from the heart and eyes. The more radiant the light, the more advanced a being is and yet at its least radiant we still experience upliftment and joy when encountering such.

We do not have emotions, we are pure feeling. We have transmuted the many emotions of your old reality. We are open, inspired, loving, accepting and unconditionally loving toward ourselves and others. We continue to experience sexual energy, which has become vastly refined and is located in the heart centre. Because we don’t have emotions, we do not experience our sexuality from an emotional level. We instead experience our sexual energy as an outpouring of pure love, an exchange of high vibrational energy. We are enveloped in a pulsating array of varying light, sounds and colours. Orgasm builds and releases in the heart centre and spreads throughout the whole system reaching up into the brain and travelling down to the sacrum simultaneously, where it explodes, cascading an energy, that can only be described, in a term you might understand, like your champagne, golden and bubbly, (atoms) and this energy travels along the spine spreading throughout the entire system. This experience catalyses out of body experiences, time travel and encounters with our higher dimensional selves, as well as higher realms and beings beyond the ninth.

As I have said, we do not give birth, but simply manifest through the void and arrive. We do not give birth and therefore we have no need of menstruation. This was part of the old earth and our relationship to your moon. We have no moon here and no planets that run linear time cycles. Neither do we have sperm in the way your males have in your existing world. Our males produce a substance which carries 7 - 10 strand dna activation codes, as well as his life force which enhances the life force of his beloved. Imagine a rush of golden white light spreading throughout her body filling her and surrounding her and a gentle ‘humming’ tone as you might hear on a tuning fork or a tibetan or crystal bowl. As this energy passes through her system and flows out into her field of energy it has become infused with her d.n.a (which hovers somewhere between 7 - 10 strand operational also) as well as taking on a rose coloured alchemical substance released through her orgasm. As she becomes enveloped in this he merges entirely with her, body, heart, mind, soul and spirit and together they rest in that space until it has fulfilled its purpose. It’s purpose is for the deeper bonding process that is part of an ongoing blending and merging ‘re-union’ process, whereby their energies need to re-unify, as twin flames need to prepare for the next stage of the journey after aeons away from each other. These energy exchanges and d.n.a activation's and inter-weavings ensure that the way is prepared for a transmuting of a singular system to a dual system acting as singular, as one unit, One being. Two beings becoming One. Many circles are needed for this to take place fully before the One being is able to continue forward. From this point we share the rest of the journey back home to Source together as One, a perfected androgynous expression of a transcended, evolved consciousness.

Twin Flames

In between the fifth and ninth dimension we find ourselves in a place where we all reunite with our divine compliment. On your current earth, tens of thousands have awoken enough to want to be reunited with their twin flame, note this is different from a soul mate with whom you have many in the guise of lovers, brothers, mothers, sisters, best friends and fathers, as well as those with whom you struggle and suffer. We do not have soul mates in our universe, we are all one, a collective. We do not have families as in your physical 3rd dimension ways. We are a global family, each connected. What is common in our realm are twin flame relationships. Most of us are in these at varying stages of the ‘blending’ process. Those of us who are not are the off planet teachers, councils and collectives who have become One and completed the blending process many spirals ago. These integrated ‘Oneness’ beings visit us to impart wisdom and assist us with transformation and eventually transition from ninth to higher dimensions.

With awareness and consciousness comes remembrance. There indeed exists in the fifth dimension our ‘other half’, our twin flame, that is where the divine compliment is to be found. Some of you have reunited with twin flames as you have reached 5th dimensional consciousness on your earth.

You will arrive in new universe together to begin the ‘blending’ process that is only possible as you begin to transcend the 5th dimension and rise higher, which cannot be done where you are on your earth as your universe is not positioned to transmit, and therefore your earth is not able to sustain, these higher light waves and frequencies.

Depending on where along the scale of 5th - 9th dimensional consciousness we are depends on how intricate or profound and how we express and experience the sexual union. In 5th dimensional consciousness we are still in touch with a physical aspect in terms of how we experience sexual energy and what that does. As we move through the levels, the physical dimension dissolves and we experience sexual energy and union in purely energetic terms.

There are no words in your human language that can be used to describe these experiences. They are beyond human comprehension. You have to be vibrating and operating on the 6th dimension to begin to grasp this as it is on this dimension that the shift of experience occurs and only by experiencing that can you begin to understand.


On our new earth we have animals, yet because there is no suffering in this place, there is no fear, so animals choose to cohabit with us to bring balance and experience peace. We do not eat animals as we have no need of food because we are sourced entirely by the new universal energy system that we are a part of. Because there is an absence of fear on new earth, there is no aggression, so all animals live in harmony with each other as they too are sourced by the new universal energy system. Our animals spend their time being stroked and massaged, groomed, played with, talked to, held and hugged. They love this and smile a lot. They are learning to communicate more skilfully through telepathy, sound and body language. They like to eat grass and shrubs and leaves. It is the star-crystal core that sources these preferred modes of joy for our animals so they too, transmute what they ingest and learn through the codes downloading into their consciousness. The energy of the ingested substances is also transmuted and used for their newly developing cognitive and communication skills.

Crystal Star Core

We absorb from the crystal droplets which pour into the meridians, glaciers and magnificent crystal tumbles, (a little like your waterfalls) and lakes of our dimension. This ‘crystal source’ arises from the centre of our new earth which has at its core an enormous crystal star. The influence of the great white sphere, (our version of your sun only ours is a pure light and vibrational source with an ongoing temperate climate radiance) upon this vast core star erodes minute droplets of crystals. Each crystal droplet holds enough to fill all the oceans on your existing earth. So on our new earth our core star-crystal energy supply is endless and it is purer than your current concept of pure. We use this crystal energy in the same way as you use your earth water. We use it to bathe, for sacred ceremony and for many other purposes. All living beings on our planet absorb this energy, we can ingest it through our mouths or we can stand before the crystal tumbles and simply absorb it through the pores of our naked skin, which is wonderful! This star energy is the life blood that connects us all. We do not need it to survive, but it greatly enhances our development for it washes through our systems, cleansing and transmuting and depositing crystalline codes within our minds, and alchemical crystalline star energy into our brains and hearts, which enhance and expand our consciousness.

The new earth’s star-crystal core is like a highly developed and advanced transmitter, receiving and sending complex codes and information to and from the planets, star systems and galaxies of the new universe, which in turn receive theirs from beyond the ninth dimension and transmit back to our star-crystal core. Much of our development and ways of learning from those outer bodies comes through ingesting this crystalline star energy. We can go for long circles/spirals (we do not have your system of calendar days, weeks, months or years as we do not measure time in linear fashion) without absorbing this crystal star energy. However, we can also immerse ourselves in it for many circles, too.

Our Nature and Our Heavens

We have beautiful nature, great oceans, crystal tumbles, meridians all streaming with life, all sourced from the star-crystal core and universal energies from which we all thrive. Our main energy life source is an enormous sphere of white gold light that radiates rhythmic waves of energy. These waves of energy feel like the warm waves lapping on your shores, calming and tranquil. This stunning sphere gently turns and brings to us a ‘still-point’ which you might interpret as a night. The still-point is when we rest, reflect and connect very deeply with our universe. When we look out to the heavens, a beautiful great-star of intricate patterns radiates a gentle, silver light into the indigo hue of still-point. Many of us become creatively active during still-point through art to journeying to other dimensions, for there is an atmosphere of profound mystery. Specific symbolic codes that we each carry can only be activated by great-star when bathed in the soft silver of great-star and the indigo hue of the still-point. It is usually in the white gold circle that we consolidate and communicate what becomes manifest in the silver/indigo circle. Great Star and Crystal Star Core are divine compliments. Many of the transmissions I spoke of earlier take place between these two immense beings. These are the two great transmitters of higher intelligence polarising our inner planetary core with outer universal intelligence. Our great white sphere is the divine compliment to our new earth.

Life on New Earth

On our earth we have no need of clocks, transport, food, drinks, (Because there is no food, there is no landfill or rubbish), medicines, supplements, therapies, suffering, emotions, death, birth. It is a place we visit and remain for as long as we choose. There is no war, politics, taxes, money or governments. We do not have jobs, there is no crime, we do not accrue karma. We live in beautiful dwellings that are designed by ourselves and crafted by and for each other. We all help each other. Our homes are powered by star-crystal core energy. We are a highly refined and aesthetic people and place great emphasis on our enjoyment of the creative arts. We are highly creative and make regular offerings of our expressions to each other to adorn our homes and environments. We have great halls of learning and magnificent structures where we hold meetings and celebrations. We do not have any systems of learning. We simply are drawn to those teachings or arenas of experience that we most gravitate toward that will best support our evolutionary needs. We impart and receive wisdom with an attitude of openness, gratitude and love. There are no ‘should’s’ or ‘’ought’s’ in our universe we are happy with the choices we make and are free to change our minds at will. Our universe and our earth are harmonious and balanced.

We are supported and guided by many councils of elders, usually from the higher dimensions (and a few from our universe). We have great respect and trust for these councils who hold our joyfulness and harmony as a priority. Love and Wisdom are the currency here. There is no separation. We all exercise free will and come and go at will. This is a wholly natural phenomenon for us. Our bodies appear physical and yet are not. We are not dense or solid to the touch. We are energetically fluid. We are able to design and redesign our preferred mode of expression for any given moment, some are human in appearance and many are not.

We are a unified world community, universal collective, each aware of our connectedness to each other and the universal realm we reside in and beyond. We are free to travel to other dimensions and offer our assistance to lower dimensional environments including your earth, which is what I am here doing, to let you know we exist and we are here to help advance and move others forward in their evolution and to invite others to re/bi-locate when ready. We help them to prepare, mainly by our quiet presence and sometimes in a more overt manner.

Eventually the old universe will empty out. Some will remain, for a while, living in substandard conditions with much of the light having left with those who have moved forward. Your earth will need to rest and recuperate as her future is decided by the higher dimensions. There is so much love and appreciation for her that great efforts and lengths are being gone to to find a way for Gaia continuing to exist. Firstly, she must empty out. When she is free of sentient beings, many higher dimensional beings will visit her to begin specific healing. Even though she will rebirth into the new universe, an old energetic imprint of her will remain in an old energetic imprint of the universe. It is yet to be decided as to whether this will be closed down completely or just to clear and dissolve old energetic residue in order to reopen this portal again at another point in time. But for a long while your old universe and Gaia will remain dormant.

New Universe. New Earth. How is it in our Dimension?

Gaia and her accompanying universe will birth into future universe. There is an entirely new system of heavenly bodies in our universe, which will include the higher expressions of your existing planets as well as many new, significant and higher influences. We do not have personal planetary maps and blueprints,(known as astrology on your earth) yet we are influenced by the universal system when it comes to auspicious guidance needed regarding circles and spirals, in relation to supporting our journeys from 5th to 9th dimensional consciousness.

Our universe exerts beneficent influences and casts an array of beautiful colours; golden, violet, saffron and magenta hues interspersed with the white/gold light of our great sphere and the silver of great star and the indigo of still-point. Subtle vibrational sensory tones gently sound throughout our universe. We have vast colour spectrum zones which we visit for pleasure and sensory experience. Every colour that exists on your earth and many more that you are not familiar with can be found in these spectrums.

We do not have seasons, we have an ongoing temperate spiral, always remaining the same. I cannot describe it in your ‘heat’ terminology but can liken it to what you can imagine it feels like to be bathed in the softest and most exquisite white/gold's, violets, & saffron and then in gentle silver/indigo and magenta. There is no future or past only the journey. We can journey to any place in our memory, including future existence's. We can travel to any moment of our evolutionary journey to either enhance our understanding or for pleasure! For example, to re-experience our once favourite food or drink although we are not able to ingest much of lower vibrational substances as this will immediately bring us out of the memory and into our present universe consciousness as our highly refined systems are not equipped to take lower vibrations into them. Equally exposing ourselves to any frequencies beyond ninth dimensional will bring us back to our current consciousness.

For me to be here in your universe and on your earth comes with a price, for I suffer physically, many obscure and uncomfortable physical states. One example is that to sustain being in your dimension I must eat every four hours as it takes an enormous amount of energy for me to be here. I am constantly tired and allergic to nearly everything here apart from the nature. I am unable to lay down without becoming very dizzy and suffer dizziness even during some of your time known as ‘day’. This seems due to trying to manifest more of my multi-dimenensionality onto your earth which, from a vibratory perspective, is at odds with the lower vibration of your earth and universe. Even your sun and wind are too much for me and I have to shelter from them. I am not used to the harshness of the light on your earth or the force of the winds, the continual changes in temperature, especially the cold, the damp, and the falling waters from the sky. The colours in the area you refer to as the UK are limited. By day, mainly grey, off whites, rarely blue and yellow. Your nights appear to me as black, save for your moon when she is someway into waxing or just waning. I am unable to eat or drink most of the processed foods without becoming ill and am hypersensitive to any scents or odours that are synthetic, becoming instantly ill if I encounter them. The list goes on and on!!

On new earth we spend our time; learning, teaching, growing, evolving, playing, merging, journeying, enjoying, supporting, blending, guiding, reflecting, creating, loving, connecting, developing, transforming, becoming, refining, re-unifying, embodying, transmuting and preparing, all as part of our eventual return to Home.

Overall, we are a people, a planet, a universe of Love. We are sensory beings - filtering all experiences through our energy fields. We process everything through feeling. All information is received, assimilated and assessed in this way. All choices and decision making comes through Sensory Field Perception. Our minds are secondary process receptors, used specifically for structuring and organising. A portion of our brain is active in a way that yours are not. This part of our brain acts as a transmitter and indeed has a crystallised centre in this area. It is through this crystalline portion that we receive and interpret the primary transmissions from Great Star and Crystal Star Core. All crystal star energy ingested by us is processed and interpreted through this crystalline section of our brain. The advanced systems in place in our universe are possible because of the crystalline connections between us, our earth and our universe. We are the bridge between the realms of lower consciousness and super-consciouness. We are an advanced and highly sensitised civilisation. We are living multidimensional realities, aligning with our multidimensionality and with those beings who reside in each of the multi-dimensions we frequent. We are influenced by races, species and existences that are highly advanced and beyond 3rd dimensional comprehension to merit explanation here.

I invite each and everyone of you to raise your consciousness, your vibration. To raise your sights to what awaits you beyond your 3rd dimensional reality. You have all the tools and helpers you now need to assist and support you to 5th dimensional consciousness - when you are there, I, and others like me, shall meet you to guide you to the new earth and universe where you can continue your journey. As you journey through the void to new universe you leave behind suffering for good and enter a new state of being where the greatest influence for growth is Love.

clarioncall-cover-small2012: A Clarion Call

a wake up call for humanity


nicolya christi

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