Friday, 8 May 2009

JESUS and the parables in a new light and meaning

Right over the years in the experiences while I was not part of a church, I had the chance to experience parables of the new testament in a year way. Since Ii had not bogged myself down with rules and regulations of a church, I was able to breathe and see things that I would have missed.

The story of the good Samaritan held for me new meanings in relation to prejudice and equality.
Of course the priests etc stood for the churches but the actions are very prominent.

To professs to care and follow the teachings and yet have no compassion or interest in someone who is different to them, different culture, background or even sexuality or race. Where is the goodness is these people? So the Samaritan helped the man - someone he did not know. He did not care about their culture, background, sexuality or race. He did not do this to show how good he was and he did not want something in return - sounds like the good idea of pay it forward - this is true unconditional love, the kind God shows us. The samaritan was an outcast and someone not deemed to be of any worth - yet he showed he had more worth than the others in the story.
May times while in churches I have been working with the homeless, people on drugs, chilren's homes etc, the kind of people a lot of the church people would have nothing to do with, but were happy I was doingit, as if I was doing it and their behalf and so meant they did not have to. It took away any of their guilt. How similar is that the the priest etc in the story.
It taught me about being judgemental and that Indian phrase - do not judge a man until you have been standing in his shoes.

When I hard the stories of these people - I realised anyone could find themselves in their shoes, if they had lived their life and background.

Who was I to judge and say they were bad etc. I does not mean I condoned their actions or believe it was a reason to carry on destroying themselves. People change in their own time and you may not think your acts of goodness and kindness had any effect - as it not show right away, but you could find out in years it made a whole difference.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

A prayer and poem for those passed onto the Spiritual World

Death is nothing at all.
I have only slipped away into the next room.
I am I and you are you.
Whatever we were to each other,
that we still are.

Call me by my old familiar name.
Speak to me in the easy way
which you always used.
Put no difference in your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

Laugh as we always laughed
at the little jokes we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word
that it always was.
Let it be spoken without affect,
without the trace of a shadow on it.

Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same that it ever was.
There is absolutely unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind
because I am out of sight?

I am waiting for you,
for an interval,
somewhere very near,
just around the corner.


by Henry Scott Holland

We are all messengers and prophets

Thursday, 5 February 2009


government was defeated on different parts of the religious discrimination law

" I am glad the government was defeated on different parts of the religious discrimination as it would lead to unfair accusations and attack freedom of speech. the other problem is that this bill would religons too much power.

At the moment they can spread relgious hatred towards LBGT people, transpeople and other people with scathing attacks and get away with it.

I can say I do not like a certain religion and I disagree with their style of life, but it i add they should be killed or executed or wiped off the face of th earth - then this is inciting religious hatred.

I feel certain religions would use this law to say what they like about minorities and if those said anything back use this law to say they were being discriminated against.

All minorities need to be protected but religons need to practice what they preach. They cannot expect protection while they preach hatred and violence against minority groups they deserve to die or should be executed. this is what happened at the Furneral of Matthew Shepherd, the gay man who was beaten and left to die by mormon young guy and his friend.

Certain Religons supports the views that LBGT people are people who do not deserve equal rights and deserve anything bad that happens to them. It starts with words and ends up with people taking matters into their own hands using religion as justification."

Miracles 10 - my edit of book by Marianne williamson

Love is a place where people can naturally blossom into their best. Nagging, trying to change or criticizing or fixing cannot do that.

What is not love is not understood.

Perfect love casts out all fear.

A spiritual relationship is the best and it is because it is authentic. We are afraid of communicating honestly with each other.

Anger is often a result of feelings that have not been communicated honestly with each other. It is always better to communicate feelings that suppress them.

A real relationship depends on honest communication no matter how painful.

We must face our ugliness and faults because that must happen in order for us to grow.

A lot of the time our bad side covers up our good side. Our love becomes blocked like the sky - it is always blue even behind the clouds. We are like that in that behind our mask is our beautiful true self. It is our fear and anger that the clouds that over the loving true self.
Relationships are opportunities to expand our hearts and love.

Parents can’t really give to our children what they don’t have themselves; children learn through imitation.

You should ask in your relationships how committed are you? How much have you given and taken? How can you go past the wall of fear and forgive?

If you are obsesses about them and what they’ve done you haven’t let them off the hook and forgiven them.

A question that comes up quite often is how do we find a good relationship?

I think part of the answer is to ask the spirit for our attraction, thoughts and feelings to be used for the right purpose and we see the real person.

Some people reveal themselves in relationships and the other person is disappointed. Like when the person does not act like the romantic person then we think they are wrong, but that doesn’t make them wrong: just not right for us. We love purely when we release other people to be who they really are.

Intimacy cannot be gained through control and guilt, only through acceptance and release.
A holy relationship is a place where we are safe to be ourselves - knowing we will not be judged, but forgiven for our faults. This way we are motivated to grow and change and be healed.
There is talk of many different kinds of love where you learn different kinds of love. Love is the same, but in different forms. Each form teaches us about love.

A relationship demands all of our skills at compassion, acceptance, release, forgiveness and selflessness. There may be may challenges in relationships.

There is a fallacy that relationships take away the pain. This is simply not true. relationships don’t take away the pain, only the healing of the thing that causes the pain does. When we fall in love we will see the total truth about someone. Soon that is shut off. Suddenly that truth is not enough. They have to now look hip, look right, dazzle etc and then on-one gets to be “real” and human anymore.

We should be ready for that right person or someone that is near to that. A lot of the time we meet people who we could have a wonderful relationship with, but didn’t know how good they were and take advantage of the chance when we had it.

Like roses that bloom in summer, relationships that the romance has faded does not mean the end. Just like with the rose romance can bloom again if you work at it.

We are all seeking love but that desperation leads us to destroy it once we have found it.
We think they can save us from all our emotional pressure. We also think that there is a Mr or Mrs right out there: but if we face the truth we will see that due to being humans we all have faults and that Mr and Mrs right do not exist.In love we actively create conditions of interest, r
ather waiting to see if they are interested or not.

No-one always looks gorgeous or sexy so basing love on looks is not a good thing. Looks fade. We decide to love. We see a person that we are interested in and we want to give our love to them. In this way we decide to love. Waiting to see if a person reaches the standard makes the other person feel that they are on trial. It can lead them to be nervous and not be at their best.
We must learn to support each other so we can help each other to reach the top and overcome our weaknesses and faults etc.

Examining our past can help us to clear up problems we are experiencing, but healing starts in the present. Salvation is found there and there we can change the future by what we do in the present.

Although we have learnt how to not to love, repeating that does not solve our problems.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Miracles 9 - my edit of book by Marianne williamson

Present living
What we need to do is make a shift from what we should have done or should be doing in the future to what we feel right now. By doing this we can break the past and it’s problem.
To wash ourselves of all our sins means to remove all loveless thoughts of judgments that holds us to the past and that keeps us from grasping at the future. To be born again is to let the past go and look without condemnation upon the present.

A child is innocent and unmarred by the past or present. the only way to heal is to forgive them and let them go. Prayer isn’t for God to change our lives but rather for him to change us.

We have great power within us and if we do not use it properly it will not save us but destroy us - like creative people who die not taking too much drugs, they could not deal with the power that they had.

We tend to get plenty of opportunities for success for whatever. There are chances for us to expand and overcome. Until we heal ourselves of our demons, fears and other things then everything will turn out the same.

We were all created to create good, the beautiful and the holy.

If we do not get rid of hatred then it will multiply and go forth from us to our children. You can see much evidence of that and it explains why a lot of child abuse of different forms is very often repeated.

Childishness is when we are preoccupied with things that don’t really matter - like whether the towel is straight or the line is completely straight etc.

When we do that we loose our essential connection with things that we do. To be childlike is different from being childish. Jesus talks about us being like children. What he meant was to be spiritual, tender and open minded to things.

We ask God to solve situations that have brought on ourselves.
Whether we like it or not we learn to love whether it be through joy or pain. We do have a choice.

Miracles 8 - my edit of book by Marianne williamson

The spirit
I have talked about the spirit and many of us would ask what is it? The spirit is a force of consciousness. He can come through friends, a lyric is a song, a therapist, a book or anywhere. It guides us to a different perception of reality and one that is based on love. It can guide our thoughts but it will leave us free to think. Taking responsibility for our own thoughts and in life there are no idle thoughts.

We must ask the spirit to give us a different interpretation and way of seeing things so that we can understand.

The spirit invites the truth into our lives that will make us grow. Any situation that pushes our buttons to create anger and a wall is something we don’t have the capacity to be unconditionally loving about.

What and who are enlightened beings?

Enlightened beings means to understand. they don’t have anything that we don’t have, but they just have the perfect love inside of them. Jesus’ thoughts and actions stem from love.
People say that Jesus is a crutch and they don’t need that. He wasn’t a crutch but a teacher. We all study great masters of art if we want to become great artists, and musicians if we want to become great musicians. Well the same goes with Jesus. If we want to become enlightened like him then we should study what he taught.

There are many views about exactly what faith is. Some people have the idea that faith is blind. Faith is not blind, it is believing that we one with nature and the universe. That we are all a part of each other. It is an awareness of a force who fights for good. The opposite to faith is faithlessness and that is not a lack of faith, but a faith in nothing.

Healing takes many forms. It can be in material conditions like physical healing, emotional healing or psychological change.
When asking for miracles we are asking for something inside not outside to change. Our self perception determines our behaviour. If we think that we have an abundance of love and power then we will behave that way.
To forgive is merely to remember only loving thoughts you gave in the past.
It is arrogance for someone to think themselves as totally better. People who have not forgiven people are usually angry people. Angry people cannot create a peaceful planet and they cannot create peace within themselves until they have forgiven people. I cannot say that forgiving is easy because it is not. Forgiveness is a full time job and it’s very difficult. it requires letting go of the past.

Miracles7 - my edit of book by Marianne williamson

We all need love no matter how much we try to avoid it and no matter how old we are.
1. Love is real. It is an eternal creation and nothing can destroy it.
2. Anything that is not love is not real and just an illusion.
3. Remember this and you will be at peace with yourself.

Fear is an illusion that it is not real and is caused most of the time by an overworked imagination. Our craziness, paranoia, anxiety and trauma all come from fear.
The way out of sin or fear is through opening the mind to love. Love casts out all fear the way light casts out darkness.

Thought is the cause of a lot of our problems and the experience is the effect. If you don’t like the effects then change your thinking.


It is important we remember that all of us are children of God and that the perfect you is the love within you. To remember that you are a child of God is to remember that you are loved and you are lovable. Some people may think that is too presumptuous or ignorant but you must remember that you were created in love and so to love is to be perfection.

Just as a sunbeam cannot separate itself from the sun and the waves from the ocean we cannot separate ourselves totally from each other. We are all part of each other.
Ego is something that gets in our way of life many times. That is hardly surprising since not very many of us are taught that we are good, and if we have it’s all conditionally.

Most of us want to change but we stick to the old than trying something new. By doing this we are paralyzing ourselves.

Our ego is very clever and it teaches us to be selfish, greedy, judgmental and small minded.
What most people don’t realise when they are being selfish is that when they withhold from others they are only withholding from themselves. What we give to others we give to ourselves. When we choose fear instead of love we deny ourselves the opportunity for joy.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

For years I have read the bible and studied it at college too. As you know there are many things that do not make sense in the bible and it is amazing how different the new testament is with the old.

It is amazing how people are so closed minded when it comes to religion and the bible, and it is scary and dangerous to think people really believe the bible is word of God.

If you believe that God does not need to write a book and God has never needed to make one person the chosen person to speak to us - which can leave things open to abuse - then you can make your mind up if neale is talking to God or not. If he is, then this is the kind of God I believe that created the world and us and the insights give clarification on so many untruths and distorted stories from the bible. Stories being the word.

People forget the mentality and knowledge of the people in the old testament and without understanding that and the power of religion - many of the stories will be taken literally.

This book started my journey and I went on the read all 3 books and then the others like relevations - which really go into the mind of religion and look at them in such depth - you will will wonder why you could not see those things for yourself.

It is important to remember that religion over the years have murdered, killed, raped, tortured, slaughtered villages, children and towns in the name of religion. the power of religion and the people who run it is scary and the influence they have is amazing and startling. With that much power there is always lots of corruption and some people will do anything to stop the truth from being revealed that could affect their power, position and wealth.

all this can be seen the how Jesus was put on the cross to die.

How did he view the church leaders? What did he say?

why did he have to talk in stories? this is the only the first step - but there are many authors who say the same things as these books in a different way.

It is not a easy book to read at first as it takes a lot of thinking and understanding - as you are looking and challenging all that you have learnt and been brought up with. that is always difficult and changing one's point of view is always difficult, especially when you have believed certain things for such along time and you feel they have been your crutch and now you are questioning them.

I think this may be the reason the people who have given the book such a low rating have. You have to be ready for this book. I would not say over 17 years ago I was either, especially if you already involved heavily in a church at the time.

Neale Donald Walsch - conversations with God

I have read the 3 conversations with God series and ask you to do the same.

I came accross by accident or fate, but I was introduced or forced to read it.

it has changed my life and also I see God in the way I have known he has always been. A true spiritual person or deity who does not love you like your father or mother, but like a friend, who is there for you when you need him, but not always in the way you think he wil be there for you.

His books will show you a new and better way to look at ourselves, the nations, famine, life and even the so called holy books that have been used to violate the most basics teachings of God and love, trhough torure, hate, lies, deception, murder, greed and power. No matter what church is out there - all of the big ones are gulity of this, in the past of now. They have manipulated your need to reach out and hear God or feel this presense through bribery and conditions, whether it be blessings, honour, reputation, recognition and also conditions of service and tithing.

His books that follow the main 3 look at new visions of spirituality and also look at most religions and give insight to them and also teach a new and loving way to be, whether it be a person, country or town or council or government.

Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 27 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.

Neale began his journey in the most ordinary way. Overstressed and overextended by modern day life when the options ran out and frustration reached its peak, he turned to God. Desperate questions scratched on a legal pad in the middle of a long, sleepless night, began a precious dialogue which changed Neale's life forever and eventually changed the lives of millions. This process began over 10 years ago and became the much loved Conversations with God Series.

Today the books have been translated into 37 languages, and Book One remains to this day in the 100 top selling spiritual books on

In addition to bring through the extraordinary With God series, Neale has authored 16 other works, as well as a number of video and audio programs. Available throughout the world, each of the first five CwG dialogue books has made the New York Times Bestseller list, Conversations with God-Book 1 occupying that list for over two and half years.

The With God Series has redefined God and shifted spiritual paradigms around the globe. In order to deal with the enormous response to his writings, Neale joined with loved ones and friends to create the ReCreation Foundation, a non-profit educational organization dedicated to inspiring the world to move from violence to peace, from confusion to clarity, and from anger to love.

Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher. Her latest book, The Age of Miracles hit #2 on the New York Times Bestseller list. Among her other 9 published books, four of them -- including A Return to Love - were #1 New York Times Bestsellers. A Return to Love is considered a must-read of The New Spirituality. A paragraph from that book, beginning "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure" - often misattributed to Nelson Mandela's Inaugural address - is considered an anthem for a contemporary generation of seekers.

Marianne's other books include Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America, The Gift of Change and Emma and Mommy Talk to God.

Marianne hosts a daily Course in Miracles radio program on Oprah and Friends network XM radio 156.

She has been a popular guest on television programs such as Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning America and Charlie Rose.

Marianne is a native of Houston, Texas. In 1989, she founded Project Angel Food, a meals-on-wheels program that serves homebound people with AIDS in the Los Angeles area. Today, Project Angel Food serves over 1,000 people daily. Marianne also co-founded The Peace Alliance, a grass roots campaign supporting legislation to establish a U. S. Department of Peace.

In December 2006, a NEWSWEEK magazine poll named Marianne Williamson one of the fifty most influential baby boomers. According to Time magazine, "Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity."

Many religions may come forth with good intentions but soon have led the way to much control, abuse of power and forcing people to their religion and for those who did not not - death.

spirituality and love are the way and you will find were supported in the early years of many religions.

for this reason - the friends of quan Yin has been formed.

Quan Yin

Quan Yin is one of the most universally beloved of deities in the Buddhist tradition. Also known as Kuan Yin, Quan'Am (Vietnam), Kannon (Japan), and Kanin (Bali), She is the embodiment of compassionate loving kindness.

As the Bodhisattva of Compassion, She hears the cries of all beings. Quan Yin enjoys a strong resonance with the Christian Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and the Tibetan goddess Tara.

In many images She is depicted carrying the pearls of illumination. Often Quan Yin is shown pouring a stream of healing water, the "Water of Life," from a small vase. With this water devotees and all living things are blessed with physical and spiritual peace.

She holds a sheaf of ripe rice or a bowl of rice seed as a metaphor for fertility and sustenance. The dragon, an ancient symbol for high spirituality, wisdom, strength, and divine powers of transformation, is a common motif found in combination with the Goddess of Mercy.

One of the most universally beloved of deities in the Buddhist tradition, Quan Yin is also known as Kuan Yin, Quan'Am (Vietnam), Kannon (Japan), and Kanin (Bali), She is the embodiment of compassionate loving kindness. As the Bodhisattva of Compassion, She hears the cries of all beings and manifests in any conceivable form wherever a being needs help, especially when someone is menaced by water, demons, fire, or sword.

Quan Yin vowed to remain in the earthly realms and not enter the heavenly worlds until all other living things have completed their own enlightenment and thus become liberated from the pain-filled cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara).

There are numerous legends that recount the miracles that Quan Yin performs to help those who call on Her. The many stories and anecdotes featuring this Goddess serve to convey the idea of an enlightened being who embodies the attributes of an all pervasive, all consuming, unwavering loving compassion and who is accessible to everyone.

Meditating on the Goddess of Mercy involves little dogma or ritual. The simplicity of this gentle being and Her standards leads Her devotees to be more compassionate and loving. According to folk belief of eastern China, Quan-yin dwells on the island Pu-tuo-shan, which is the boddhisattva's sacred place.

the life of quan in you can find on the link below

Miracles6 - my edit of book by Marianne williamson

Closed hearts
A lot of the time we don’t attract these people than hurt us.

Fear rules us
Fear that we are not in the right relationship.

Fear that we are and what that means.

Fear that people will like us and fear that they will not.

Fear of failure and fear of success.

Fear of life and fear of death.....the list goes on.

Through fear we sabotage everything like our careers, relationships. We seem to do this by drinking, drugs, obsession, overeating to help our depression and we seem to attack showing how much insecurity and self hatred there is about ourselves.

There are other forms of fear that are destroying our relationships. They are compulsion, depression, violent relationships and other tends of mental illness that can lead to violence, war and oppression. This is our hell.

The light
People have this feeling that inviting God into your life will change your life by making everything all right. When you bring God into your life you only begin to see all your imperfections, holes, cracks and problems more not less. The idea that God will come into your life and make everything all right is not real. God can help you but only you can deal with your problems. What are mini breakdowns that we have? Even if you do not reach that point don’t you realise that life is trying to tell you something and give you a chance to review life and do things differently.

We are all searching for something, but most of us do not know what it is. The thing you must remember is that many things change. Feelings, love, success to failure, confidence to lack of it all change. We cannot change our outside environment but we can change ourselves like the man in the mirror.

Our houses are our emotional stability and our sense of well being and if they are soundly built then we will last. When our emotional stability is based upon moods and things then we will not be strong. Our stability rests on the spirit inside.

When we choose to love we allow our minds to be as one with God and life will be different.
Surrendering to God means to love. Surrender to most people is seen as passive or weak, but it is the only way to balance out our aggression. To be aggressive all the time is to be self destructive.

Love is energy and few of us feel enough love in our lives.

Let’s try to imagine a place of love. the thought seems too good to be true. there would be no war, no hunger, self worth, loved children and the planet as a whole would benefit. There would be no oppression, violence or sorrow - just peace.

Most of us are violent people. This does not mean physically it means emotionally. This world does not put love first and where love is absent fear is very strong.

If there was love would the old, orphans and the hungry suffer? The answer is no because we would care about them more than money. Where there love there is less violence, crime and rape etc. Other results are that so much money would not need to be spent on police, crime prevention and people to man new prisons that were being built. All would prosper.

Miracles 5 - my edit of book by Marianne williamson

There is talk of many different kinds of love where you learn different kinds of love. Love is the same, but in different forms. Each form teaches us about love.

A relationship demands all of our skills at compassion, acceptance, release, forgiveness and selflessness. There may be may challenges in relationships.

There is a fallacy that relationships take away the pain. This is simply not true. relationships don’t take away the pain, only the healing of the thing that causes the pain does. When we fall in love we will see the total truth about someone. Soon that is shut off. Suddenly that truth is not enough. They have to now look hip, look right, dazzle etc and then on-one gets to be “real” and human anymore.

We should be ready for that right person or someone that is near to that. A lot of the time we meet people who we could have a wonderful relationship with, but didn’t know how good they were and take advantage of the chance when we had it.

Like roses that bloom in summer, relationships that the romance has faded does not mean the end. Just like with the rose romance can bloom again if you work at it.

We are all seeking love but that desperation leads us to destroy it once we have found it.
We think they can save us from all our emotional pressure. We also think that there is a Mr or Mrs right out there: but if we face the truth we will see that due to being humans we all have faults and that Mr and Mrs right do not exist.

In love we actively create conditions of interest, rather waiting to see if they are interested or not.

No-one always looks gorgeous or sexy so basing love on looks is not a good thing. Looks fade. We decide to love. We see a person that we are interested in and we want to give our love to them. In this way we decide to love. Waiting to see if a person reaches the standard makes the other person feel that they are on trial. It can lead them to be nervous and not be at their best.
We must learn to support each other so we can help each other to reach the top and overcome our weaknesses and faults etc.

Examining our past can help us to clear up problems we are experiencing, but healing starts in the present. Salvation is found there and there we can change the future by what we do in the present.

Although we have learnt how to not to love, repeating that does not solve our problems.
Love is a place where people can naturally blossom into their best. Nagging, trying to change or criticizing or fixing cannot do that.

What is not love is not understood.

Perfect love casts out all fear.

A spiritual relationship is the best and it is because it is authentic. We are afraid of communicating honestly with each other.

Anger is often a result of feelings that have not been communicated honestly with each other. It is always better to communicate feelings that suppress them.

A real relationship depends on honest communication no matter how painful.

We must face our ugliness and faults because that must happen in order for us to grow.
A lot of the time our bad side covers up our good side. Our love becomes blocked like the sky - it is always blue even behind the clouds. We are like that in that behind our mask is our beautiful true self. It is our fear and anger that the clouds that over the loving true self.
Relationships are opportunities to expand our hearts and love.

Miracles 4 - my edit of book by Marianne williamson

In special relationships we are afraid to show the truth about ourselves - that means fears, weaknesses - for fear that the person will leave if we do show them.

What is needed is a holy relationship whereby the old unholy relationship is transformed.
Unholy relationships are based on differences where we seek to compensate what we haven’t got through others who do. We come together to complete ourselves and eventually rob them and ourselves until the relationship fades and we move on.

We have talked about unholy relationships so now let’s talk about holy relationships.

A holy relationship is when we look inside and realise we do have what we need. We then connect with someone who has what they need. We understand that we have parts of ourselves that need healing. We’re not interested in people for what they can do for us - and rob them - we are interested in them full stop.

We’re not here to audition each other, put each other on trial, or use others to fill our own needs, fix, change or belittle them. we are here to support, forgive and heal one another.
A question that comes up quite often is how do we find a good relationship?

I think part of the answer is to ask the spirit for our attraction, thoughts and feelings to be used for the right purpose and we see the real person.

Some people reveal themselves in relationships and the other person is disappointed. Like when the person does not act like the romantic person then we think they are wrong, but that doesn’t make them wrong: just not right for us. We love purely when we release other people to be who they really are.

Intimacy cannot be gained through control and guilt, only through acceptance and release.
A holy relationship is a place where we are safe to be ourselves - knowing we will not be judged, but forgiven for our faults. This way we are motivated to grow and change and be healed.

you can buy the book "return to love - miracles " marianne Williamson click on link

Miracles 3 - my edit of book by Marianne williamson

Why do you have relationships? Well in them people are brought together for intense work and lessons that can be learnt from them.

If a relationships has not worked then it does mean failure. As long as you have learnt what you were meant to in that relationship then that is all that matters.

People who have the most to teach us show us our walls, our wounds and other parts that need to be healed. We are in each other lives for healing.

There seems to be 2 kinds of deep relationships. One I would call holy and the other one unholy. The unholy relationship is that special one that is based on fear. For fear means separate. No-one is completely separate from anyone else. We should seek that quality of brotherly love and friendship that goes beyond looks. Ego tells us that we need a special person is our lives to fill the hole in us.

Why is a special relationship wrong? Well this is because it is a major form of idolatry that one person can give us complete peace. This is simply not true because most of our anger is aroused in our closest relationships.

A special relationship makes the other person, their behavior, choices and opinions of us too important. It makes us think that we need another person to be complete. Special love is blind. Voices of our needs not being met only re-enforce our illusion of need.

Miracles 2 - my edit of book by Marianne williamson

We should not seek to judge but to heal.

Everything that a person does is either love or a call for love. Violence, anger, hatred, jealousy, possessiveness, greed, lust are not about love but fear.

If we are treated with love then the response is more likely to be a loving one.

We can use that same thinking when dealing with prisoners. Prisons should be places of rehabilitation and not a place for punishment where they can learn more crime. We need to help them heal their wounds and help them with their problems so that when they get out they are less likely to reaffend.

“Vengeance is mine” the Lord says means that forget revenge because he balances all wrong. Attacking back only leads to war that no-one can win - we should be instruments of love not attack.

We can’t change others but we can change ourselves.

When someone is angry they are afraid - just like if they are cruel, manipulative they are still afraid. To get rid of fear you need to replace it with something and that thing is love. Peace stems from forgiveness. Getting angry with someone might make you feel fear and guilt - if we judge then they will judge and we will feel like they did even if they didn’t.

Growth is about focusing on our own faults and not others.

You can see people differently if you understand their background and where they came from. You should ask the holy spirit to show you that.

Whatever the personal weaknesses that are evident in our casual interactions will be more evident or magnified in intense relationships.

Miracles 1 - my edit of book by Marianne williamson

When you meet someone you must remember that all meetings can be special encounters. As you see others you may see yourself. As you treat them you treat yourself. As you think of them you will think of yourself. For in him you will find or lose yourself. What does this mean you ask?

Well it simply means that the key to life is other people. “To love another person is see the face of God” because we are all made in his image.

In every relationship we teach or demonstrate love or fear. As we demonstrate love towards each other we learn that are lovable and learn to love more deeply.

As we demonstrate fear or negativity we learn self condemnation and fear of life.

Since no thought are neutral then we know that they all have an effect on our lives - taking us more deeper into heaven or hell.

Forgiveness is peace of mind - a change from thoughts of fear to love - and selective remembering to focus on love and let the rest go.

Ego is capable of suspiciousness and at worst viciousness.

The spirit must deliver us from the temptation to judge and find fault because that is not what real love is all about. We must ask the spirit to reveal to us the innocence of others so we can choose to focus on their good points instead of their errors.

Let’s look at judging. Is it better to be happy or right. Even if we are right then that is all we need to know. Shaking a finger at someone doesn’t help them to change. Treating a person with forgiveness and passion will get a better response. Most of us know when we’re wrong and at that point you don’t need to attack. What person said or did is not really what they are. When a person acts unloving then they have forgotten who they are.

Let’s take the Disney film “Pollyanna” starring Haley Mills. She was a good example on focusing on the person really is. She chose not to see their nastiness. Her perception extended to what she already knew about humans. She knew love and she evoked their love into expression. She exercised forgiveness.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

When it comes to sexuality people think that it is black and white issue, that you are either heterosexual, bi-sexual or homosexual. There are other terms used to explain sexuality and they are celibate or a-sexual. These terms are used but most people believe that they are only temporary.

Should a person who has murdered be put to death? It is a very difficult decision and question. It depends on the individual and the set of circumstances. Was it a cold blooded murder? Was it defence? There are so many questions that could go on and on.

The same goes for sexuality. It depends on the background, family, experiences and situations you have been put in to how you arrive at the sexuality that you do. Once labels are put on people they tend to be treated differently and according to that label. That is one of the reasons that I refuse to put myself into any of these categorys. If people find that uncomfortable then it is their problem. There are many different sides to people.

How can understand someone if you don't know them? Someone walks a little funny and people may laugh at them, only to find out that the reason for that person having the funny walk is that they have a wooden leg. There are so many examples in life of people actually judging without knowing the circumstances and the person. Do you think that's fair? Would you like it if people judged you without giving you a chance just like ex criminals are judged.

Take into consideration the different phrased children go through. That counts for a lot of children. Some simply do not finish going through that stage of experimentation and uncertainty about their sexuality. This could be for many reasons, like circumstances not being right or certain bonding not being formed.

If you look at the terms referring to people's sexuality then you will think that sexuality is simple. You must be this or that. Let's take a deeper look at sexuality and show that it is not as simple as that.

You are in a room and you see someone that you find attractive.

One the one hand you might want to take them in your arms, and on the other hand you can't because they are married, from a different religious background, a different colour, a different race, a different sexuality, have completely different backgrounds, be rich, be poor, may have handicaps physically etc.

There are so many social constraints, prejudices and peer pressures and other things that affect your judgement and what decision you make about whether you are going to pursue that person.

you are in a room and you see someone that you find attractive. One the one hand you might want to take them in your arms, and on the other hand you can't because they are married, from a different religious background, a different colour, a different race, a different sexuality, have completely different backgrounds, be rich, be poor, may have handicaps physically etc. There are so many social constraints, prejudices and peer pressures and other things that affect your judgement and what decision you make about whether you are going to pursue that person.

Sexuality is made up of our home background, our social interaction, our past and our experiences in life, like in school, work and with people.

Your sexuality can be force that brings certain people together and separates others from you. I think that people forget that you can love people without being sexually involved with them: and you can find a person attractive without wanting to get involved with them.

Despite our own sexual feelings, yearnings or urges we have to take into consideration societies view and whether it is line with it.

We also have to take into consideration peer pressure, the fear of rejection and prejudice because of ones views, feelings or sexual leanings.

Society and government and churches tell us what sexual should be controlled and which are acceptable. Their views tend to be so diverse form liberating to narrow-minded and unfair. It really depends on what country you are in, what state, what community, what background, what religion and what law you have in that country.

Tradition is usually unfair, ignorant, impersonal, lacks understanding and causes much suffering. Do you really believe that in the middle ages that if you were deformed you were considered to have a demon or been cursed.

Like in many primitive places and times people trusted in old ways that were full of tradition, superstition and so called supernatural to medicine.

For many years medicine was rejected as seen as strange and damaging and even for some who accepted it was seen as a supernatural form of power. This has not only happened with medicine but it has also happened with education and other things like law. Man's ignorance and fear has prevented progress throughout history.

It's the same with sexuality. What ever you do that is considered to be outside the norm, depending on where you live, will have it's peer pressures, insults, snubbings, gossip, etc. Why?

A person came up behind this guy with no provocation and smashed a glass against his head. The guy ran out of pub shouting prejudices against gay people. The guy went to hospital and was told that if the injury had not been in that certain position then he would have died.

Why did the guy do it, because the guy figured he was gay and hated gay people.

Did he know if the guy he had injured was gay?

How would he justify himself if the guy wasn't? What gives him the right to think he is better and is allowed to treat people like that?

Where does this ignorance and hatred stem from, and is he like this because he has a problem and hates himself and cannot come to terms with the fact that he is that way himself?

If someone lives their life a different way to you does that make them a bad person?

If someone is different does that make them weird?

Who says what is normal and what is not? Are they right?

Are you responsible for their life and how they live it? No, then I think then you should get on with your own life and not interfere with theirs. It is none of your business.

You are entitled to your opinion, but that does not give you right to force your opinion on other people with or without violence.

Why can't people look at their own lives and get that right before they harass, ridicule and interfere with other people's lives that is nothing to do with them.

These people think that they know how you should be living your life, when they have no understanding of your situation, background. They think that how you live your life is their business and they should tell you how to live yours.

I think that humans need to learn how to express their sexuality.

No matter what you do you bring your sexuality and your past relationship experiences, whether they be good or bad with you into next relationship.

Some people don't learn and repeat the cycle of their relationships over and over again without seeing or realizing it.

Sometimes they don't want to see that they are repeating their mistakes and avoid it, deny it or pretend that it never happened. They push it under the carpet.

When the carpet is moved and the problem arises again then they cover it up again - but the problem will never disappear until you do deal with it. How many times can you brush the same thing under the carpet? Soon the mess will be so large that you won't be able to hide it. Will you be able to handle it?

Some people are afraid of being hurt or used on an emotional level that they never let anyone really love them. They are frightened of rejection on such an intimate level. That is what makes break up of relationships without reason even more painful.

From studies done by the Kinsey report it showed that in thought but not always in deed due to taboos and prejudices that people are capable of loving either sex or even forming relationships of a deeper kind with both of them.

Among males there has always been much anxiety and fear about being gay or having those feelings.

That comes out in prejudice, bigotry and ignorance.

It's worrying to know that those who shout the loudest are usually repressed gay people. While they attack gay people in different ways they are in fact attacking that part of themselves that they intensely dislike or hate.

They think that if they do that then they will be able to prove to themselves ad others that they are not gay.

My past sexual experiences have not been about love but that was what I wanted. If sex was a means to get it then back then I did it. So I understand some people's need to sleep around. It's not for the sex but more for the affection that you can receive during sex.

The only problem with having sex with people you do not know is that after the sex the affection usually finishes, then you are left even more empty that you were in the first place. So the process starts again and you are on the look out for someone else to sleep with. I don't compromise any more though. I see having sex with out being in love with the person like having dessert before the starter.

I put this to you. If a woman was conditioned and brought up like men are would she turn out the same as a man in her attitudes and behaviour?

Men are brought up to be competitive with each other to gain self respect and from their peers. Being analytical is seen as boring, gentleness is seen as weakness and showing feelings is seen as a weakness.

One must be strong, dominant to be admired or respected in relationships. A man is the boss in marriages and the women usually are treated like the possessions. A man who can't control his wife is seen as not a real man.

I have no problem with people having their own point of view but when it is so narrow minded and ignorant and it infringes on other peoples views by fear, force and control then whose to say they are not as bad as Hitler. That's how it started with him. A whole group of people following a fanatic who could be a priest, an MP, a vicar etc.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Third Spiritual album

Another album with some more great messages including learning to let go, loving yourself and let go let God.

second Spiritual album

Hope this lifts you as much as the first. This album contains more dance songs with meaning and spiritual messages.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

another great song from the spiritual album

What does the Koran say about sexuality?


The Imaan Conference

This conference was a very good, as it shed some light on a lot issues and misconceptions about the Muslim religion.

The first part of the conference dealt with religion and sexuality. What is the view on Sexuality and how does Islam affect Trans and LGB issues.

There is a view put across that Islam is against LBGT people, but this view is based on one interpretation of the Koran.

In order to understand the religion we need to look at make up of the religion and it's views.

The religion is based upon a collection of things:

First, the religion is based upon the Koran. The Koran is the teachings of the prophet Mohammed. So what does the Koran say about LGBT people? Well, it does not say anything directly about it, but there are parts of the Koran that could be understood to support anti gay messages, but most of these beliefs come from reading between lines and into what has been written.

At the conference, we looked certain passages that pertain to sexuality that could be seen as Anti-gay or pro-gay. The interpretation of the Koran by clerics say can be so dangerous. They are in a position of power and influence. What they say does have an effect on the different Islamic communities. They can influence law in some countries and the opinions of people.

Second, there are the Hadith reports. The Hadith reports are records written by people who have claimed to hear the Prophet Mohammed speak on different issues. These reports are collected and a group of clerics decided what reports they believe to be true and which ones are false. Many of the books were rejected by a group of religious leaders, who decided that these books were too controversial as they did not support the church and their views.

Thirdly, there is the life of the prophet. This is often used to come up interpretation of the Koran, in the same way the example of life of Jesus is used to understand how Christians should live their lives.

Fourthly, there is the belief that the Qu'ran is infallible and have bestowed upon the Ulama (a group of religious teachers and learned ones) within the Umma (Muslim Community) the same status. They are the pervasive authority in matters of moral matters and religious questions.

There are 3 groups of Islamic religious denominations, each of which has significant theological and legal differences from each other. The major branches are Sunni and Shi'a, with Sufism often considered as an extension of either Sunni or Shi'a thought.

Sufism is an expression of God that is spiritual and celebrated through the arts, music, dance, poetry and many other ways. They tend to be far more liberal minded and you will find many different kinds of famous Sufi's. There is a famous woman who did not marry all her life, a man who wore woman's clothes all his life and famous Sufi's who lived with their same sex partner all their lives. This is very similar to Protestants, Catholics and Presbyterian. They are 3 groups of people who have different interpretations of the Koran.

We have heard and seen much fighting and killing between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims in Iraq, but in other countries they get along with each other. The fighting has a history in Iraq and other countries like the war and tension between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland. It is very much linked with power and control.

In many Muslim countries they have religious courts that pass death sentences and many other judgements on people. It is important to remember that over 600 years ago both Europe and UK has religious courts that decided the fate of people and passed sentences. While our religious courts have gone, in a lot of Muslim countries they remain and are at the root course of many denials of human rights and crimes against humanity.

There are some wonderful passages in the Koran but also passages that seem support war against those who are not Muslims and a lot of discrimination too against minority groups. The problem is the context is which the words are said. Just like the bible, you have to remember the time it was written, what the understanding and the culture was at that time and what was happening at the time the words were written. This means in lots of circumstances the passages have little bearing to today and the koran is a record of what was happening that time. The Koran talks about slaves being raped and treated badly and that it was ok to treat them any way you liked. This would not seem very spiritual, but this is what was happening in many countries at that time. It does not mean it is right to believe that today or behave in that way.

It is important to remember that the prophet was not accepted straight away and he had to face much persecution and days when he was treated like an outcast. This could explain some of his speeches on war, it was about protection and standing against his enemies at the time. This does not mean that they are his enemies today. These passages today are used to justify war and persecution.

The next part of the conference was a talk from parents of Muslim children who are gay and how they dealt with it. The main message from these parents is that like many other parents, they have had to face their own personal battles in order to accept their child's sexuality. They also have to face how they must address or deal with the extended family on this matter and how to face the community. There is an expectation that children get married, have children etc and there is much peer pressure from family and the community over this. It felt like this community faces extra pressures due to culture and traditions in coming to terms with their children's sexuality. It was clear from questions asked that there was a high percentage of people there are the conference looking for answers to how to get their parents to accept them.

I feel that there were not enough people from other Unions or other parts of the LGBT community and I feel Imaan need to address this. There were many times in the conference that people were quoting the Qua'an and using language or phrases that were peculiar to their traditions, culture and religion. This meant that much was said which non muslims did not understand. I made these comments to them as a way to improve their conference. I met some great people and learnt a lot.

Spiritual uplift

I have put together a personal spiritual collection of music to lift and help people focus, in these times.

In this private collection I want people to listen to a number of spiritual tracks, all by well known artists, such as Olivia newton john, Diana Ross, Barbara streisand, Belinda Carlisle, Donna Summer, Janet Jackson, Enigma, Madonna, CelineDion, Christina, Amy Grant, Brandy, Mariah Carey, Kim wilde, Michael Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, Bette Milder, Kim wilde, Destiny's child, Deborah Cox, Randy Crawford, Boney M, Enigma, Enya, Bee Gees, Godiego, Jody Wately and many more.

This may come in 4 collections or more.