Tuesday 3 February 2009

Miracles 2 - my edit of book by Marianne williamson

We should not seek to judge but to heal.

Everything that a person does is either love or a call for love. Violence, anger, hatred, jealousy, possessiveness, greed, lust are not about love but fear.

If we are treated with love then the response is more likely to be a loving one.

We can use that same thinking when dealing with prisoners. Prisons should be places of rehabilitation and not a place for punishment where they can learn more crime. We need to help them heal their wounds and help them with their problems so that when they get out they are less likely to reaffend.

“Vengeance is mine” the Lord says means that forget revenge because he balances all wrong. Attacking back only leads to war that no-one can win - we should be instruments of love not attack.

We can’t change others but we can change ourselves.

When someone is angry they are afraid - just like if they are cruel, manipulative they are still afraid. To get rid of fear you need to replace it with something and that thing is love. Peace stems from forgiveness. Getting angry with someone might make you feel fear and guilt - if we judge then they will judge and we will feel like they did even if they didn’t.

Growth is about focusing on our own faults and not others.

You can see people differently if you understand their background and where they came from. You should ask the holy spirit to show you that.

Whatever the personal weaknesses that are evident in our casual interactions will be more evident or magnified in intense relationships.

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