Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Miracles 4 - my edit of book by Marianne williamson

In special relationships we are afraid to show the truth about ourselves - that means fears, weaknesses - for fear that the person will leave if we do show them.

What is needed is a holy relationship whereby the old unholy relationship is transformed.
Unholy relationships are based on differences where we seek to compensate what we haven’t got through others who do. We come together to complete ourselves and eventually rob them and ourselves until the relationship fades and we move on.

We have talked about unholy relationships so now let’s talk about holy relationships.

A holy relationship is when we look inside and realise we do have what we need. We then connect with someone who has what they need. We understand that we have parts of ourselves that need healing. We’re not interested in people for what they can do for us - and rob them - we are interested in them full stop.

We’re not here to audition each other, put each other on trial, or use others to fill our own needs, fix, change or belittle them. we are here to support, forgive and heal one another.
A question that comes up quite often is how do we find a good relationship?

I think part of the answer is to ask the spirit for our attraction, thoughts and feelings to be used for the right purpose and we see the real person.

Some people reveal themselves in relationships and the other person is disappointed. Like when the person does not act like the romantic person then we think they are wrong, but that doesn’t make them wrong: just not right for us. We love purely when we release other people to be who they really are.

Intimacy cannot be gained through control and guilt, only through acceptance and release.
A holy relationship is a place where we are safe to be ourselves - knowing we will not be judged, but forgiven for our faults. This way we are motivated to grow and change and be healed.

you can buy the book "return to love - miracles " marianne Williamson click on link


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