Sunday 1 February 2009

When it comes to sexuality people think that it is black and white issue, that you are either heterosexual, bi-sexual or homosexual. There are other terms used to explain sexuality and they are celibate or a-sexual. These terms are used but most people believe that they are only temporary.

Should a person who has murdered be put to death? It is a very difficult decision and question. It depends on the individual and the set of circumstances. Was it a cold blooded murder? Was it defence? There are so many questions that could go on and on.

The same goes for sexuality. It depends on the background, family, experiences and situations you have been put in to how you arrive at the sexuality that you do. Once labels are put on people they tend to be treated differently and according to that label. That is one of the reasons that I refuse to put myself into any of these categorys. If people find that uncomfortable then it is their problem. There are many different sides to people.

How can understand someone if you don't know them? Someone walks a little funny and people may laugh at them, only to find out that the reason for that person having the funny walk is that they have a wooden leg. There are so many examples in life of people actually judging without knowing the circumstances and the person. Do you think that's fair? Would you like it if people judged you without giving you a chance just like ex criminals are judged.

Take into consideration the different phrased children go through. That counts for a lot of children. Some simply do not finish going through that stage of experimentation and uncertainty about their sexuality. This could be for many reasons, like circumstances not being right or certain bonding not being formed.

If you look at the terms referring to people's sexuality then you will think that sexuality is simple. You must be this or that. Let's take a deeper look at sexuality and show that it is not as simple as that.

You are in a room and you see someone that you find attractive.

One the one hand you might want to take them in your arms, and on the other hand you can't because they are married, from a different religious background, a different colour, a different race, a different sexuality, have completely different backgrounds, be rich, be poor, may have handicaps physically etc.

There are so many social constraints, prejudices and peer pressures and other things that affect your judgement and what decision you make about whether you are going to pursue that person.

you are in a room and you see someone that you find attractive. One the one hand you might want to take them in your arms, and on the other hand you can't because they are married, from a different religious background, a different colour, a different race, a different sexuality, have completely different backgrounds, be rich, be poor, may have handicaps physically etc. There are so many social constraints, prejudices and peer pressures and other things that affect your judgement and what decision you make about whether you are going to pursue that person.

Sexuality is made up of our home background, our social interaction, our past and our experiences in life, like in school, work and with people.

Your sexuality can be force that brings certain people together and separates others from you. I think that people forget that you can love people without being sexually involved with them: and you can find a person attractive without wanting to get involved with them.

Despite our own sexual feelings, yearnings or urges we have to take into consideration societies view and whether it is line with it.

We also have to take into consideration peer pressure, the fear of rejection and prejudice because of ones views, feelings or sexual leanings.

Society and government and churches tell us what sexual should be controlled and which are acceptable. Their views tend to be so diverse form liberating to narrow-minded and unfair. It really depends on what country you are in, what state, what community, what background, what religion and what law you have in that country.

Tradition is usually unfair, ignorant, impersonal, lacks understanding and causes much suffering. Do you really believe that in the middle ages that if you were deformed you were considered to have a demon or been cursed.

Like in many primitive places and times people trusted in old ways that were full of tradition, superstition and so called supernatural to medicine.

For many years medicine was rejected as seen as strange and damaging and even for some who accepted it was seen as a supernatural form of power. This has not only happened with medicine but it has also happened with education and other things like law. Man's ignorance and fear has prevented progress throughout history.

It's the same with sexuality. What ever you do that is considered to be outside the norm, depending on where you live, will have it's peer pressures, insults, snubbings, gossip, etc. Why?

A person came up behind this guy with no provocation and smashed a glass against his head. The guy ran out of pub shouting prejudices against gay people. The guy went to hospital and was told that if the injury had not been in that certain position then he would have died.

Why did the guy do it, because the guy figured he was gay and hated gay people.

Did he know if the guy he had injured was gay?

How would he justify himself if the guy wasn't? What gives him the right to think he is better and is allowed to treat people like that?

Where does this ignorance and hatred stem from, and is he like this because he has a problem and hates himself and cannot come to terms with the fact that he is that way himself?

If someone lives their life a different way to you does that make them a bad person?

If someone is different does that make them weird?

Who says what is normal and what is not? Are they right?

Are you responsible for their life and how they live it? No, then I think then you should get on with your own life and not interfere with theirs. It is none of your business.

You are entitled to your opinion, but that does not give you right to force your opinion on other people with or without violence.

Why can't people look at their own lives and get that right before they harass, ridicule and interfere with other people's lives that is nothing to do with them.

These people think that they know how you should be living your life, when they have no understanding of your situation, background. They think that how you live your life is their business and they should tell you how to live yours.

I think that humans need to learn how to express their sexuality.

No matter what you do you bring your sexuality and your past relationship experiences, whether they be good or bad with you into next relationship.

Some people don't learn and repeat the cycle of their relationships over and over again without seeing or realizing it.

Sometimes they don't want to see that they are repeating their mistakes and avoid it, deny it or pretend that it never happened. They push it under the carpet.

When the carpet is moved and the problem arises again then they cover it up again - but the problem will never disappear until you do deal with it. How many times can you brush the same thing under the carpet? Soon the mess will be so large that you won't be able to hide it. Will you be able to handle it?

Some people are afraid of being hurt or used on an emotional level that they never let anyone really love them. They are frightened of rejection on such an intimate level. That is what makes break up of relationships without reason even more painful.

From studies done by the Kinsey report it showed that in thought but not always in deed due to taboos and prejudices that people are capable of loving either sex or even forming relationships of a deeper kind with both of them.

Among males there has always been much anxiety and fear about being gay or having those feelings.

That comes out in prejudice, bigotry and ignorance.

It's worrying to know that those who shout the loudest are usually repressed gay people. While they attack gay people in different ways they are in fact attacking that part of themselves that they intensely dislike or hate.

They think that if they do that then they will be able to prove to themselves ad others that they are not gay.

My past sexual experiences have not been about love but that was what I wanted. If sex was a means to get it then back then I did it. So I understand some people's need to sleep around. It's not for the sex but more for the affection that you can receive during sex.

The only problem with having sex with people you do not know is that after the sex the affection usually finishes, then you are left even more empty that you were in the first place. So the process starts again and you are on the look out for someone else to sleep with. I don't compromise any more though. I see having sex with out being in love with the person like having dessert before the starter.

I put this to you. If a woman was conditioned and brought up like men are would she turn out the same as a man in her attitudes and behaviour?

Men are brought up to be competitive with each other to gain self respect and from their peers. Being analytical is seen as boring, gentleness is seen as weakness and showing feelings is seen as a weakness.

One must be strong, dominant to be admired or respected in relationships. A man is the boss in marriages and the women usually are treated like the possessions. A man who can't control his wife is seen as not a real man.

I have no problem with people having their own point of view but when it is so narrow minded and ignorant and it infringes on other peoples views by fear, force and control then whose to say they are not as bad as Hitler. That's how it started with him. A whole group of people following a fanatic who could be a priest, an MP, a vicar etc.

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