Tuesday 3 February 2009

Miracles 3 - my edit of book by Marianne williamson

Why do you have relationships? Well in them people are brought together for intense work and lessons that can be learnt from them.

If a relationships has not worked then it does mean failure. As long as you have learnt what you were meant to in that relationship then that is all that matters.

People who have the most to teach us show us our walls, our wounds and other parts that need to be healed. We are in each other lives for healing.

There seems to be 2 kinds of deep relationships. One I would call holy and the other one unholy. The unholy relationship is that special one that is based on fear. For fear means separate. No-one is completely separate from anyone else. We should seek that quality of brotherly love and friendship that goes beyond looks. Ego tells us that we need a special person is our lives to fill the hole in us.

Why is a special relationship wrong? Well this is because it is a major form of idolatry that one person can give us complete peace. This is simply not true because most of our anger is aroused in our closest relationships.

A special relationship makes the other person, their behavior, choices and opinions of us too important. It makes us think that we need another person to be complete. Special love is blind. Voices of our needs not being met only re-enforce our illusion of need.


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