Wednesday 4 February 2009

Miracles 9 - my edit of book by Marianne williamson

Present living
What we need to do is make a shift from what we should have done or should be doing in the future to what we feel right now. By doing this we can break the past and it’s problem.
To wash ourselves of all our sins means to remove all loveless thoughts of judgments that holds us to the past and that keeps us from grasping at the future. To be born again is to let the past go and look without condemnation upon the present.

A child is innocent and unmarred by the past or present. the only way to heal is to forgive them and let them go. Prayer isn’t for God to change our lives but rather for him to change us.

We have great power within us and if we do not use it properly it will not save us but destroy us - like creative people who die not taking too much drugs, they could not deal with the power that they had.

We tend to get plenty of opportunities for success for whatever. There are chances for us to expand and overcome. Until we heal ourselves of our demons, fears and other things then everything will turn out the same.

We were all created to create good, the beautiful and the holy.

If we do not get rid of hatred then it will multiply and go forth from us to our children. You can see much evidence of that and it explains why a lot of child abuse of different forms is very often repeated.

Childishness is when we are preoccupied with things that don’t really matter - like whether the towel is straight or the line is completely straight etc.

When we do that we loose our essential connection with things that we do. To be childlike is different from being childish. Jesus talks about us being like children. What he meant was to be spiritual, tender and open minded to things.

We ask God to solve situations that have brought on ourselves.
Whether we like it or not we learn to love whether it be through joy or pain. We do have a choice.

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