Tuesday 3 February 2009

Miracles6 - my edit of book by Marianne williamson

Closed hearts
A lot of the time we don’t attract these people than hurt us.

Fear rules us
Fear that we are not in the right relationship.

Fear that we are and what that means.

Fear that people will like us and fear that they will not.

Fear of failure and fear of success.

Fear of life and fear of death.....the list goes on.

Through fear we sabotage everything like our careers, relationships. We seem to do this by drinking, drugs, obsession, overeating to help our depression and we seem to attack showing how much insecurity and self hatred there is about ourselves.

There are other forms of fear that are destroying our relationships. They are compulsion, depression, violent relationships and other tends of mental illness that can lead to violence, war and oppression. This is our hell.

The light
People have this feeling that inviting God into your life will change your life by making everything all right. When you bring God into your life you only begin to see all your imperfections, holes, cracks and problems more not less. The idea that God will come into your life and make everything all right is not real. God can help you but only you can deal with your problems. What are mini breakdowns that we have? Even if you do not reach that point don’t you realise that life is trying to tell you something and give you a chance to review life and do things differently.

We are all searching for something, but most of us do not know what it is. The thing you must remember is that many things change. Feelings, love, success to failure, confidence to lack of it all change. We cannot change our outside environment but we can change ourselves like the man in the mirror.

Our houses are our emotional stability and our sense of well being and if they are soundly built then we will last. When our emotional stability is based upon moods and things then we will not be strong. Our stability rests on the spirit inside.

When we choose to love we allow our minds to be as one with God and life will be different.
Surrendering to God means to love. Surrender to most people is seen as passive or weak, but it is the only way to balance out our aggression. To be aggressive all the time is to be self destructive.

Love is energy and few of us feel enough love in our lives.

Let’s try to imagine a place of love. the thought seems too good to be true. there would be no war, no hunger, self worth, loved children and the planet as a whole would benefit. There would be no oppression, violence or sorrow - just peace.

Most of us are violent people. This does not mean physically it means emotionally. This world does not put love first and where love is absent fear is very strong.

If there was love would the old, orphans and the hungry suffer? The answer is no because we would care about them more than money. Where there love there is less violence, crime and rape etc. Other results are that so much money would not need to be spent on police, crime prevention and people to man new prisons that were being built. All would prosper.

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